Unadilla Area Fund Meeting Minutes
May 3, 2016 10:00 a.m. Library
Present: Peggy Leefers, Bob Brandt, Glenda Willnerd, Maureen Vogt, Donna Crownover, Corinne Zahn, and Sue Saathoff.
Absent: Barb Wilhelm, Larry Larson.
Vice-President Corinne Zahn called the meeting to order. Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Two items were noted for correction. With these corrections, motion for approval to minutes was made by Bob Brandt, seconded by Maureen Vogt and approved by members.
Treasurer’s Report:
Bob Brandt distributed copies of the March 31, 2016, financial reports received from the Nebraska Community Foundation. Balances are as follows:
All Fund Drive $ 1,365.00
CC Endowment Fund $ 8,102.33
General Fund $12,365.97
Total $21,833.30
Disbursements since last meeting of January 12, 2016:
Transfer from All Fund Drive to Endowment $965.00
Contributions since last meeting of January 12, 2016:
2/19/16 Silent Auction Proceeds $1,705.50
3/3/16 Perry & Jessica Stone $ 500.00
3/8/16 Additional Silent Auction Proceeds $ 505.00
4/26/16 Misc. Donation $ 345.00
4/27/16 Advertising-Otoe Co Visitors $600.00
Bureau (for Bar-B-Q)
Bob stated that the financial report from the Nebraska Community Foundation included fees for managing our account and funds.
Sue Saathoff made a motion to approve, Donna Crownover seconded, and all members approved both the treasurer’s report and the transactions listed above.
Groundhog Day Celebration
Discussion was held regarding next year’s Groundhog Day Celebration. The time for the parade will be changed from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Community Center will change its hours to 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. This will allow everyone to attend events at the Community Center and the parade and festivities downtown. Peggy reported that the Christian Church will not be manning the food stand at the Community Center. It was agreed that we need a food vendor at the Community Center. Donna suggested that perhaps the local 4-H Club might be interested in taking this on; she will approach them. Glenda will conduct a review of the Groundhog Day Celebration advertising sheet for possible changes.
Annual BBQ
As stated in the Treasurer’s Report, Bob has received $600 from the Otoe County Visitor’s Bureau for use in advertising for the Annual BBQ. This will be used for newspaper ads, B-103 radio spots, and NET ads. The event will include a dedication of the new Bike/Walk path with representatives from the Nemaha Resource District present. Events are being lined up for the BBQ: Horseshoe contest, volleyball tournament, etc. Corinne requested Sharon Demaree to make food menu signs to assist in the handling of people purchasing BBQ dinners.
Walk/Bike Path
All agreed the Walk/Bike Path is looking very good with the wildflowers up and blooming. Bob will order more memorial trees for future planting.
New Items
Visit Nebraska Guide – Bob recommended that we advertise in the “Visit Nebraska Guide”. All agreed.
The Foundation received the following thank you notes: West Otoe County Food Pantry; Blue Rivers Area Agency on Aging; and Better Beef Producers 4-H Club,
The Community Center has received a donation of 10 conference room chairs from Cabela’s. It was agreed that the Village will send a thank you to Alan Beyke, Cabela’s Facility Manager.
Sue shared that Sharon Demaree has written and illustrated a wonderful children’s story regarding a groundhog who visited Unadilla and decided to stay. The plan is to have this story printed as a coloring book which will be distributed to children at next year’s Library Book Give-away and also sold at the library table at the Groundhog Day Celebration.
Bob mentioned that we should be thinking about future projects and the possibility of applying for another grant from the NRD.
Corinne stated that the recycling contract will be up this August. The Foundation had agreed to pay ½ of the fees for this contract for one year. She asked if we were going to continue to fund this going forward. Discussion was held. It was agreed that Corinne will take this to the Village Board and request the Village pay the full cost. Everyone agreed that this was a great service for the Village.
Sue reported that two painting classes have been held on February 20th and April 2nd. Sharon Demaree was the instructor. All attendees agreed these were a huge success.
The Memorial Day Lunch will again be held at the Community Center from 11:30 to 1:30. This was well attended last year. One suggestion was to place a sign at the cemetery letting people know about the lunch. The free will donations will again go to the history rooms.
Sue reported that we have not heard from Greta Leach regarding the revision of Operating Rules for the Nebraska Community Foundation. Our plan was to mimic these rules for our own Foundation’s use. Sue will email Greta to request an update.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be Tuesday, July 12th, 2016, at 10:00 at the Library.
Meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted:
Sue Saathoff, Secretary