Unadilla Area Fund Meeting Minutes
December 6, 2016 5:00 p.m. Duncan Bldg.
Present: Barb Wilhelm, Bob Brandt, Corinne Zahn, Glenda Willnerd, Peggy Leefers, Maureen Vogt, and Sue Saathoff.
Absent: Donna Crownover and Larry Larson.
President Barb Wilhelm called the meeting to order. Minutes of the previous meeting had been emailed to all members. Motion for approval of minutes was made by Bob Brandt, seconded by Glenda Willnerd and approved by members.
Treasurer’s Report:
Bob distributed copies of the 3rd quarter financial report received from the Nebraska Community Foundation. Balances as of September 30, 2016:
All Fund Drive $ 400.00
CC Endowment Fund $ 8,393.93
General Fund $13,132.84
Total $21,926.77
Disbursements since last meeting of October 11, 2016: None
Contributions since last meeting of October 11, 2016: None
Bob informed members that we do pay affiliation dues to Nebraska Community Foundation of $55.00 per month which covers their administration of our funds.
Bob has submitted the request for advertising funds to the Otoe County Visitors Committee. The request is for $2,040 which will be used as follows:
Nebraska Life Magazine – Groundhog Day Ad $350.00
Nebraska Traveler Ad-Village & Groundhog Day $950.00
Nebraska City News Press Ad $175.00
B103.1 Radio Live Spot-Groundhog Day $565.00
Motion was made by Maureen Vogt to approve the treasurer’s report and transactions. Seconded by Peggy Leefers and approved by all members.
All Fund Drive
The All Fund Drive has received $9,280 thus far which is the highest amount ever received. Thank you to Maureen Vogt, Peggy Leefers, and Corinne Zahn for preparing and getting the mailing completed on October 25th.
Groundhog Day
The Groundhog Day Celebration is a mere two months away. Bob reported we will still have a raffle with items from MK Meats and the Nitty Gritty service station. Everyone is requested to bring at least two (2) items for the Silent Auction. Donna will once again oversee the auction. It was noted that Perry Stone, whose birthday is today, and Maureen Vogt were Groundhog King and Queen in 1997, 20 years ago. Timing of advertising was discussed.
Election of Officers
Election of officers was held. Corinne Zahn nominated Maureen Vogt for Vice President; Maureen accepted the nomination. Following are the officers for 2017:
President: Barb Wilhelm
Vice-President: Maureen Vogt
Secretary: Sue Saathoff
Treasurer: Bob Brandt
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be Tuesday, January 17, 2017, at 10:00 at the Library. Meeting was adjourned. The Annual Unadilla Reception was held.
Respectfully submitted:
Sue Saathoff, Secretary