Unadilla Area Fund Meeting Minutes

February 14, 2017       10:00 a.m. Library

Present:  Barb Wilhelm, Bob Brandt, Corinne Zahn, Glenda Willnerd, Donna Crownover, Peggy Leefers, Maureen Vogt, and Sue Saathoff.    Absent:  Larry Larson.

President Barb Wilhelm called the meeting to order.  Minutes of the previous meeting were read.  One correction was made regarding attendees for last month’s meeting.  Motion for approval of minutes with correction was made by Maureen Vogt, seconded by Peggy Leefers and approved by members.

Treasurer’s Report:

Bob distributed the 2016 4th quarter financial report from the Nebraska Community Foundation.  Balances below are as of December 31, 2016:

            All Fund Drive                                                             $10,305.00

            CC Endowment Fund                                                   $  8,404.15

            General Fund                                                              $12,527.66

            Total                                                                            $31,236.81

Disbursements since last meeting of January 17, 2017:

2/3/17             NC News Press – GH Day                    $175.00

2/7/17             B103.1 On-site Broadcast                   $250.00

2/7/17             Fire Dept.                                            $1243.70

2/7/17             Rescue Squad                                      $1243.70

2/7/17             UAF Endowment                                 $1243.70

2/14/17           Fire Dept.                                            $ 75

2/14/17           Rescue Squad                                      $ 75


2/6/17             M.&B. Leefers -- to All Fund Drive      $150.00

2/6/17             Otoe Co. Visitors Committee-Adv.     $1300.00

2/6/17             King & Queen – Donations                 $3731.08

2/6/17             Silent Auction                                      $1521.00

2/6/17             Vantage Agri. – Donation                   $250.00

Motion to approve the treasurer’s report and transactions was made by Donna Crownover, seconded by Maureen Vogt, and approved by all members.

Groundhog Day

Everyone agreed that the Groundhog Day festivities were a big success.  Of course, Mother Nature cooperated with nice weather – a high of 52 degrees. Please see attached sheet for details regarding the celebration.  Governor Pete Ricketts was in attendance and signed a new State Proclamation designating Unadilla as the Groundhog Capital of Nebraska.

The Better Beef Producers 4-H Club had a successful lunch at the Community Center and plan to do this again next year. 

The Silent Auction was successful.  A big thank you to Reetha Neeman for her part in lining up donations and to Donna and Maureen for overseeing the auction that day.  Donna suggested that we could ask for vendors to donate items for the Silent Auction – Sue will include this when contacting vendors next year.

The number of entries for the Soup/jerky/spam contest was low.  We may want to limit the number of categories; Barb will follow up with her daughter, Michelle.

For safety reasons, we will require that only people walking will be allowed to toss candy into the crowd.

Discussion for possible events for later in day to encourage people to stay in town.  One idea was a card tournament.

Barb sent thank you letters to Governor Pete Ricketts, Senator Dan Watermeier, County Commissioner Dean Speth, and Regan Anson, Executive Director for attending.

Sue reported that the Flea Market had 18 vendors.  In addition, sales of Barn Quilts, the “Unadilla Surprise” coloring book, used book sales, and the School DVD provided by Ron and Maryann Wenninghoff all benefited the library.  A thank you letter will be sent to Ron and Maryann for providing the School DVD. 

The Raffle proceeds go to the library this year.  Kudos to everyone for the sale of raffle tickets, especially those who sold over $500 worth.  Sue reported that the Library Board will meet on February 27th to decide on disbursement of these funds.  Since the library benefits from utilizing space and utilities at the Community Center, discussion was held regarding needs of the Community Center.

The Cub Scouts had a successful food sale.  Thank you to all who donated supplies to make this a success for the Cub Scouts.

Annual Barbeque

The Village Barbeque will be held on Saturday, June 24th this year.  The annual Unadilla cleanup  day will be held on Saturday, June 17th.


Peggy reported that per Perry Stoner there will be a show on Barn Quilts on NETV on March 9th at 7:00.  This will help provide us with information as we continue to develop a Barn Quilt Trail for Unadilla and area.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be Tuesday, May 2, 2017, at 10:00 at the Library.

                                                                        Respectfully submitted:         

Sue Saathoff, Secretary