Unadilla Area Fund Meeting Minutes
May 9, 2017 10:00 a.m. Library
Present: Barb Wilhelm, Bob Brandt, Corinne Zahn, Glenda Willnerd, and Maureen Vogt. Absent: Larry Larson, Donna Crownover, Peggy Leefers, and Sue Saathoff.
President Barb Wilhelm called the meeting to order. Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Motion for approval of minutes was made by Corinne Zahn, seconded by Glenda Willnerd and approved by members.
Treasurer’s Report:
Bob provided the treasurer’s report as of March 31, 2017:
All Fund Drive $ 400.00
CC Endowment Fund $ 12,566.60
General Fund $17,817.80
Total $30,784.40
Disbursements since last meeting of January 17, 2017:
2/3/17 Nebraska Humanities – Sayer $ 50.00
3/1/17 John & Mary Wilson $400.00
4/21/17 Community Library $3,000.00
Motion to approve the treasurer’s report and transactions was made by Maureen Vogt, seconded by Glenda Willnerd, and approved by all members.
Annual Barbeque
The Village Barbeque will be held on Saturday, June 24th this year. Fun Run will be organized and worked by the Ebert family. Glenda said she could help also. The Christian Church will have games and concessions. There will be a tractor pull, band, horseshoe tournament, water slide, girls softball. The Nitty Gritty is organizing the Flea Market. There will be a community wide garage sales. Masters will do the BBQ.
Bob requested no mowing of wildflowers and everything is now mulched. A tree was planted in memory of BJ Wallen.
Bob has Salt Dog tickets left over from the Silent Auction. It was suggested we give these to Larry Larson at the picnic for all his work in the past years. Bob will write a speech for a presentation to be made.
There is a need to find a different arrangement for the Bank. Also perhaps do something for the Daharshs who run the water slide – perhaps a gift certificate.
The elevator purchase was discussed; it is pending.
The Library is once again hosting a Memorial Day Lunch at the Community Center from 11:30 to 1:30. The Village Board will assist with the setup and take down of tables and chairs.
New projects were again discussed – perhaps something else for the Park.
A reminder that the recycling contract is up in August.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be Tuesday, July 11, 2017, at 10:00 at the Library.
Respectfully submitted:
Barb Wilhelm, President