Ready for Thanksgiving/Home of Bruce & Teresa Liesemeyer
Remember the Lincoln Food Bank will be at the Park next Friday, so mark your calendars!
Never noticed these bricks that are near the entrance to an alley in Unadilla. So nice!!!
In driving around Unadilla and Syracuse, we couldn't believe how many homes were decorated for Christmas already! Personally, I need some snow to get me ready to decorate. What was Christmas like when you were a kid? We'd love to hear about your memories and the traditions you continue.
Otoe County 8th Grade Graduation Programs of Yore
By Renowned Cub Reporter Bob Wilhelm
We recently had a show and tell session at the Paisley Bottom Coffee Shop and Critical Thinking Laboratory that was hosted by our history committee. Our elder, let's call him John, presented for examination, the Otoe County 8th Grade graduation programs for the years 1936 through 1941. These programs listed each of the School Districts that had Eighth Graders who had passed the 8th grade exams. It listed the teachers name and the names of each graduating 8th grader. The Honor Roll included the names of the students who finished the exams with a score of 90% or above. In 1941 there were 142 rural graduates and 81 town graduates. The program included speakers, several musical performances, including a medley by the Unadilla Tonette Band. A class march was followed by the presentation of diplomas, and of course, culminating in a benediction.
My mother, Ruth McCormick, was listed as the teacher at District #85 in the 1941 program. This school was northwest of Mary Wallen's farm off Hwy #2. It is somewhat ironic that my mom taught eighth graders when I struggled so mightily to move beyond that point in my education. I gave a throurough search of the names, hoping to find our elder John listed among the graduates. Then, I realized his would have been in a program years before this, and would likely have been chiseled in the walls of a cave somewhere in present day Otoe County.
Thank you for sharing, John, these are very interesting. If anyone wants to see more, we have them in a digital file, so just contact Barb.
The 1941 program:
Below you will also see an example of a 1912 8th grade exam from Buffalo County. Don't know if it was Nebraska's Buffalo County or some other state. It shows how difficult these exams were and the range of knowledge that was required to move forward.
Old Unadilla School Demolition 1991 (as requested)
Welcome neighbor! Coulter Guy Kimbell has arrived! Congratulations to Nathan and Erin!
Syracuse always has a lovely Christmas tree on Main Street. This year it, a Norway Spruce, was donated by Unadilla's Tree Guy, Bob Brandt. Thanks Bob!!!
Who wants snow for Christmas?
11-27 Danae Stoner
11-28 Dale & Doni Stoner
12-1 Jodie West Valish
12-2 Jeremy Royal
Friday, 11-28-1924, The Otoe Union:
County Superintendent Charles Speedie, visited the school. "John Brummer has installed a fine radioset in the Whistler Cafe." Those feeding cattle in the community were John Pickerill, Francis Orton, Art Callaway, Will and Charles Dorman, Ben Greenburg, and Jim Balfour. "High priced corn should bring high priced beef" they replied when interviewed. The first snow of the season was Sunday, November 23rd, the temperature then dropping to 19 degrees.
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Dicken’s Christmas Carol by Mark Landon Smith
Production Dates: December 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22
Show Times: 7:00 PM Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, 2:00 PM Sundays
Shows start at 7 PM on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, and 2 PM on Sundays. The concession stand will open one hour before the show starts, and the house will be open for seating at this time
Tickets: $24
Manley, Neb. - The Lofte Community Theatre will open Dicken’s Christmas Carol, December 6th, 2024. The show will run through December 22nd with performances Thursday through Sunday, with Sunday performances at 2 PM. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased by calling the Lofte Box Office, by phone at 402-234-2553, or by visiting www.lofte.org.
Synopsis: From the bonny shores of England comes the Styckes-Upon-Thump Repertory Theatre Company, a stuffy old traveling troupe embarking on their fifteenth annual farewell tour of the Dicken’s tale. Can the theatre troupe handle the egos of their actors, a precarious set, and constant costume changes, and still manage to redeem old Ebeneezer Scrooge by Christmas Day? A fresh twist on a timeless tale, this comedy is a festive rollercoaster of humor, perfect for those seeking a jolly good time this holiday season!
Directed By: Kevin Colbert
About The Lofte Community Theatre: The Lofte Community Theatre is located in Manley Nebraska, approximately 25 minutes south of Omaha. The theatre, a new post-and-beam style performing arts facility can seat approximately 330 patrons for each performance. Actors and audience members enjoy a beautiful climate-controlled venue year-round with concessions offered.
For more information contact Natalie McGovern at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." data-linkindex="3">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (402) 671-9379.

Confirm days and times and learn more HERE or call 1-800-733-2767.
* * * * ** * * * *
Monday, December 2, 2024
Town Hall
623 House St
Avoca, NE
1 - 6:00 PM
* * * * *
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Fire Station
127 N 5th St
Plattsmouth, NE
11 AM - 5 PM
* * * * *
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Plattsmouth High School
1916 E Hiway 34
Plattsmouth, NE
8 AM - 2
* * * * *
Friday, December 27, 2024
Louisville Senior Center
423 Elm St
Louisville, NE
9 AM - 3 PM
* * * * *
Thursday, January 9, 2025
City Building
101 W Eldora Ave
Weeping Water, NE
Noon - 6 PM

This is the way country music started out, with acoustic instruments, before electricity. People sat out on the lawn, on the porch, or in a friend’s house and played their instruments together. Enjoy the originality of music which is still present in many circles of friends.
211 Main Street
Louisville, NE
2nd Sunday each month
1-4 pm
* * *
UPDATE, now on the last Sunday each month
1-4 pm
Email for more information:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call Larry, 1-402-949-0668.

Aug. 31: UTEP 40 - 7
Sept. 7: Colorado 28 - 10
Sept. 14: Northern Iowa 34 - 3
Sept. 21: Illinois 24 - 31
Sept. 28: at Purdue 28 - 10
Oct. 5: Rutgers 14 - 7
Oct. 19: at Indiana 7 - 56
Oct. 26: at Ohio State 17 - 21
Nov. 2: UCLA 20 - 27
Nov. 16: at USC 20 - 28
Nov. 23: Wisconsin 44 - 25
Nov. 29: at Iowa