Hello December 495




 Dec Yoga 450



Reminder: the Food Bank will be at the Park this Friday, December 6, from 2 - 3 p.m. All are Welcome!



Please fly your flag on Saturday, December 7th, in remembrance of all those who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor.

Pearl Harbor



Looking for Christmas/Birthday gifts? How about some Groundhog apparel? This is the emblem for stocking hats, vests, and pullover zip-up shirts.

Groundhog apparel 2025 450

Deadline to order if you want them for Christmas is this coming weekend, December 8th. You can order here: Heathsports.com/billie/shop/home

T-shirts will be available at Nitty Gritty



Thank you to the Stilwell family and Traton Estate Sales for the donation of Jack & Maxine Stilwell's wedding outfits. They were married March 24, 1952.

Stilwell wedding outfits 450



Did you know the December birth flower is holly (of course) and the birthstone is turquoise? And here's your zodiac sign:

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We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and we hope you did also! The whole family made it, although a few had to leave early for work, it was heartwarming to see all those faces around the table. We've just about finished the leftovers...



The home of Marvin Vodicka is ready for Christmas. Nice job!!! (Thanks Steve)

 Marvin Vodicka home 495


Continued get well wishes to everyone, no matter what ails you, be it RSV, the flu, or cancer treatments.



Burn Permit sign




Happy Birthday Quilt 250

12-6   Perry Stoner

12-7   Cheryl Royal, Aurora Rowley

12-8   Kelsea Bayliss, Cheryl Ann Henry

12-10   Michael Bowersmith, Dave Hall, Renee Jensen




Paperboy 250

Friday, 12-5-1924, The Otoe Union:

Joe Clary of Lincoln, "claims to have seen a deer with an antler spread of 3 feet near Unadilla." Frank Yeigh and family drove to Sargeant, NE, and spent the holidays with the Forrest Abbott family. Hiram Gorsage was one of the contestants at the Old Fiddler's Contest at Shenandoah. Tom Lucas moved into the Christian Church parsonage. The average temperature for November was 41.5 degrees; the high was 79 degrees, and the low was 8 degrees. The total precipitation was .54".




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 12.4.24 Hailey Caughron LHS 450
Camels at The Living Nativity 2024 450
04 BSA House 450
Journey into Christmas 450
16 The Quonset 450
22 Community Center 450
Roca Merry Farm 450

Dicken’s Christmas Carol  by Mark Landon Smith


Production Dates: December 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22

Show Times: 7:00 PM Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, 2:00 PM Sundays

Shows start at 7 PM on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, and 2 PM on Sundays. The concession stand will open one hour before the show starts, and the house will be open for seating at this time

Tickets: $24


Manley, Neb. - The Lofte Community Theatre will open Dicken’s Christmas Carol, December 6th, 2024. The show will run through December 22nd with performances Thursday through Sunday, with Sunday performances at 2 PM. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased by calling the Lofte Box Office, by phone at 402-234-2553, or by visiting www.lofte.org.

Synopsis: From the bonny shores of England comes the Styckes-Upon-Thump Repertory Theatre Company, a stuffy old traveling troupe embarking on their fifteenth annual farewell tour of the Dicken’s tale. Can the theatre troupe handle the egos of their actors, a precarious set, and constant costume changes, and still manage to redeem old Ebeneezer Scrooge by Christmas Day? A fresh twist on a timeless tale, this comedy is a festive rollercoaster of humor, perfect for those seeking a jolly good time this holiday season!

Directed By: Kevin Colbert

About The Lofte Community Theatre: The Lofte Community Theatre is located in Manley Nebraska, approximately 25 minutes south of Omaha. The theatre, a new post-and-beam style performing arts facility can seat approximately 330 patrons for each performance. Actors and audience members enjoy a beautiful climate-controlled venue year-round with concessions offered.

For more information contact Natalie McGovern at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." data-linkindex="3">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (402) 671-9379.

DECEMBER Buddy Check 450
2024 11 06 Blood gift 1


Make this contribution and you'll sleep well knowing that you've given
of yourself to improve, or perhaps even save, another person's life.

Confirm days and times and learn more HERE or call 1-800-733-2767.

* * * * *

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Plattsmouth High School
1916 E Hiway 34
Plattsmouth, NE

8 AM - 2

* * * * *

Friday, December 27, 2024

Louisville Senior Center
423 Elm St
Louisville, NE

9 AM - 3 PM

* * * * *

Thursday, January 9, 2025

City Building
101 W Eldora Ave
Weeping Water, NE
Noon - 6 PM

District 12 450

Dist 12 2 450

Living Nativity 495


This is the way country music started out, with acoustic instruments, before electricity.  People sat out on the lawn, on the porch, or in a friend’s house and played their instruments together.  Enjoy the originality of music which is still present in many circles of friends.

211 Main Street
Louisville, NE

2024 12 04 XMAS KIDS SING

Saturday, December 14:

Ragtag Rascals Christmas Show

Time: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Admission: FREE
Enjoy candy canes and candy bars for the kids, children’s sing-along songs, and a cheerful holiday atmosphere.
The concession stand will be open for refreshments.

Bring your family and friends for a joyful afternoon of Christmas fun!

Sunday, December 29:

Acoustic Jam Session (Free)

Time: 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Bring your acoustic instruments to play, sing along, or simply listen and enjoy the music.
We look forward to seeing you at these exciting December events!



 2nd Sunday each month
1-4 pm

* * *

Email for more information: 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call Larry, 1-402-949-0668

Preschool Story Time 450
Bennet Christmas 450  
Sat with Soldier 450
Be the Light 450
Located in Elmwood
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Throw Kindness_001_500





Huskers 250

Aug. 31: UTEP   40 - 7

Sept. 7: Colorado   28 - 10

Sept. 14: Northern Iowa   34 - 3

Sept. 21: Illinois   24 - 31

Sept. 28: at Purdue   28 - 10

Oct. 5: Rutgers   14 - 7

Oct. 19: at Indiana   7 - 56

Oct. 26: at Ohio State   17 - 21

Nov. 2: UCLA   20 - 27

Nov. 16: at USC   20 - 28

Nov. 23: Wisconsin   44 - 25

Nov. 29: at Iowa   10 - 13





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Send me your ideas, photos, and news at:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Or leave me a message at: 402-828-5705

Have a GREAT week!


"May the work I have done speak for me."